
F U T U R E   T O U R N A M E N T
​​​​​​​D A T E S

Future Tournament Dates

​​​​​​​To help you with your forward planning, confirmed Winter Tournament Week dates for the next couple of years are:

2024 - w/s 2nd September (4th to last week of term 3)

2025 - w/s 25th August (4th to last week of term 3)

Winter Tournament Week is set;

·         as close as possible to finish of winter sport season competitions

·         where possible, first week of September to precede local authority change-over of grounds from winter to summer sport.

·         where possible, allow schools 3 full school weeks following WTW

L A T E S T   N E W S

O U R   S P O N S O R S